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You searched for articles by ''Alexjuk' in European Journal of Palliative Care. There are 1 results listed below

Article title: Palliative care and dementia: consensus in North Tyneside
Author name(s): Julian C Hughes, Alice Jordan, Pam Ransom, Eva Joanna Alexjuk, Isabel Quinn and Paul Paes
Journal: European Journal of Palliative Care
Issue: March/April 2010, Volume 17 Number 2
Pages: 92-95
Intro: As palliative care has sought to embrace conditions beyond cancer, the issue of palliative care in patients with dementia has come increasingly to the fore. In North Tyneside, an interdisciplinary team has been formed to look at ways in which palliative care might be implemented within the field of dementia. In this article, the members of this team review their work and the potential difficulties and areas of concern.