British Journal of Sexual Medicine - 2008

Comment: Without due care and attention
Paul Woolley
pp 3-3
According to the Road Traffic Act 1988, ‘if a person drives a motor vehicle on a road without due care and attention […], he is guilty of an offence’. Does having sex while driving count as driving without due care and attention?
Peyronie’s disease, or induratio penis plastica – an overview
Sailaja Pisipati and Ian Pearce
pp 4-7
Also known as induratio penis plastica, Peyronie’s disease (PD) was first reported by Professor Gabriele Fallopius in 1561. The credit for the first description of this disease, however, goes to François Gigot de la Peyronie who, in 1743, fully described the disease and its treatment in his paper entitled Some obstacles preventing the normal ejaculation of semen.
Human papillomavirus vaccination and HIV
Nicola J Redding and Richard J Edmondson
pp 8-11
Although now decreasing in frequency, cervical cancer remains the second most common cause of cancer-related death among women aged 15 to 44 in Europe. On average, 21 women die of this disease every week in the UK, despite the national screening programme. In 2006 and 2007, the European Union authorised two vaccines, Gardasil® (Sanofi Pasteur MSD, UK) and Cervarix® (GlaxoSmithKline, UK).
What is the best contraceptive method for obese women?
Sujeetha Damodaran, Krishnan Swaminathan and Tahir A Mahmood
pp 12-14
The report Saving Mothers’ Lives released in 2007 clearly pointed out that about 50% of the women who died were overweight or obese. Obesity is an increasing concern worldwide. In Scotland, the prevalence of obesity in women under 45 has increased by 6–8% since 1995. Obesity increases the risk of every major complication of pregnancy – obese primigravidas have a fivefold risk of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and are three times more likely to have pre-eclampsia or eclampsia.
Vulval Pain Society: help for women with vulvodynia
David Nunns
pp 15-15
Vulval pain is common. Around 16% of women suffer from genital burning for at least three months in their life. However, it still remains low down on the list of women’s health priorities in terms of research and awareness.
Penile fracture: a (maybe) notso- rare urological emergency?
Amr Hawary and Ian Pearce
pp 16-18
Penile fracture is a urological emergency resulting from a tear in the tunica albuginea secondary to trauma – most often forceful manipulation of the erect penis. The first reported case is attributed to an Arab physician, Abul Kasem, in Cordoba, approximately a thousand years ago, with more recent reports in 1770 by Charles Bordon in London and in 1900 by Lipa Bay in Cairo. Penile fracture is uncommon and has potentially devastating physical, functional and psychological consequences.
A jigsaw of olfactory reproductive nonsense
David Hicks
pp 19-19
A great deal of column inches have recently been expounded on the association between our sense of smell and the contraceptive pill. Since Claus Wedekind first did his ‘sweaty T-shirt study’ in 1995, the idea that, in human selection, ‘opposites attract’ was thought to be partly due to the biological need to prevent inbreeding and to maximise diversity in the gene pool.